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Product design

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High quality templates, mature design patterns, automation, AI, and mobile technology are signaling the end of web design as we know it.

Article by Sergio Nouvel
Share:Why Web Design is Dead
7 min read

By being reliable, getting personal, using modern tools, and creating your own brand, you can up your game as a freelance experience designer.

Article by Julian Shapiro
Share:How to Go from Freelancer to Professional Designer
6 min read

User feedback is the lifeblood of experience design. Make it easy and rewarding for your customers to share their feelings and ideas about your product or service.

Article by Daniel Brown
Share:Don’t Make it Hard for Users to Provide Feedback #wtfUX
2 min read

Want to give users an on-demand service they keep coming back to? Make sure to know your product, educate your users, and build trust.

Article by Jared Lewandowski
Share:Turning On-Demand Services into Products Users Want
4 min read

Dear ATM machine, if I can only take out money in $20 increments, why are you presenting me with 1,3,5,7 and 9 buttons?

Article by Daniel Brown
Share:ATM Interfaces, Multiples of 20, and Too Many Buttons #wtfUX
1 min read

We talk with information architect Alberta Soranzo about mountains of data, mixtapes, and the digital legacy you leave behind.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:In Conversation with Alberta Soranzo
1 min read

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