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Persuasive Design

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As put forth in his new book, Evil by Design, Chris Nodder argues that it’s acceptable to deceive users with persuasive design when it’s in their best interests.

Article by Chris Nodder
Share:How Deceptive Is Your Persuasive Design?
5 min read

Design should be supportive of users, but as design collides with sales and marketing, manipulative techniques are wielded with other goals in mind.

Article by Jon Kolko
Share:Manipulation and Design
9 min read

Clue, the classic murder-mystery board game, shows designers how to create an information gap and a narrative that leads users to the other side.

Article by Andrew Zusman
Share:POP UX! Clued Into Curiosity
3 min read

How the traits of persuasive technology can make learning Ruby more engaging for students.

Article by Anu Ramaswamy, Aakash Dharmadhikari
Share:Learning Programming by Persuasion
6 min read

Photos have the power to make or break a users’ experience—make sure they are communicating your message properly.

Article by James Chudley
Share:Evaluating the Usability of Web Photos
7 min read

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