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New and Emerging Technologies

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With the proliferation of new mobile devices and operating systems, each with specific requirements, an adaptive design strategy creates products that adapt over time.

Article by David Sachs
Share:Using Adaptive Design in the Quest for Future-Proof Designs
6 min read

As mobile continues to dominate experience design discussions, it’s time to dispel some common misconceptions about its use and stature.

Article by Linda Matthews
Share:Six Mobile Myths
11 min read

A pair of brain activity visualization projects illustrates concepts and themes that affect human behavior and the realm of experience design.

Article by Hunter Whitney
Share:Exploring the Brain Through Experience Design
9 min read

Experienced developers who have been in the game for more than a decade often find the subtleties of UX can be a bit of a mystery, but there are ways to get up to speed.

Article by Zahid Jiwa
Share:Is UX Your Achilles?
4 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Cross-Platform Experience

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Cross-Platform Experience
1 min read

Looking at skeuomorphs as cultural affordances shows how they can leverage past experiences to help users understand something new.

Article by John Payne
Share:Does Skeuomorphic Design Matter?
5 min read

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