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New and Emerging Technologies

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As radio frequency identification tags become more cost effective, a smart fridge might emerge that is able to take full advantage of the Internet of Things

Article by Avi Itzkovitch
Share:The Internet of Things and the Mythical Smart Fridge
12 min read

The official site for the international Design for Experience awards is live and nominations are underway!

Article by Design for Experience
Share:International Design for Experience Awards Web Launch
2 min read

UX Magazine is presenting the international Design for Experience awards, designed to recognize excellence and share what can be learned from success and failure.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Announcing the International Design for Experience Awards
1 min read

Heidegger’s ideas about goal orientation make a case for middle ground between visible and invisible interfaces.

Article by Thomas Wendt
Share:Designing for Transparency and the Myth of the Modern Interface
8 min read

A look at the two primary uses of AI—”instrumental” and “affective”—that significantly boost the UX of a product.

Article by Aria Haghighi
Share:Two Ways Artificial Intelligence Contributes to Great User Experience
6 min read

The rise of mobile technology has made traditional websites obsolete and the winning designs of the future will be immersive experiences with rich narratives.

Article by Chuck Longanecker
Share:The Future of Web Design is in Our Hands
7 min read

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