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Mobile Applications

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With the prospect of commercial drones seeming like an incoming reality, there are a number of crucial experience design elements that need to be considered.

Article by Dan Saffer
Share:The UX of Commercial Drones
6 min read

Discover the five strategic pillars that successful UX projects stand on.

Article by David Sachs
Share:The Five Pillars of a Great UX Project
6 min read

With 2014 off to a roaring start, here are seven resolutions for designers to follow when designing apps in the new year.

Article by Drew Davidson
Share:Seven UX Resolutions for App Design in 2014
3 min read

A look at what 2014 might have in store for users and experience design practitioners.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Top UX Predictions for 2014
15 min read

A look at the trends that ruled the expanding UX landscape in 2013.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Top UX Trends of 2013
14 min read

Information dashboards give users the control over our environments that we crave on a psychological level.

Article by Shilpi Choudhury
Share:The Psychology Behind Information Dashboards
4 min read

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