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Microsoft Windows

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Excel: “Is it possible the file was moved, renamed or deleted?” User: “OK”

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:The Adolescent Semantics of Excel #wtfUX
1 min read

Why does Windows reverse the cap settings when you press the shift button while caps lock is engaged? iT’S wEIRD.

Article by Daniel Brown
Share:The Trouble with Caps Lock #wtfUX
2 min read

A comprehensive guide for using your MVP to get the right product to market, fast.

Article by Lee Dale
Share:The Experience Makes the Product, Not the Features
9 min read

With iOS 7, Apple seems poised to expand its reach into a wider portfolio of digital products, something designers should consider in the omnichannel world of mobile.

Article by Nour Diab Yunes
Share:The Influence of iOS 7 and Designing for Mobile in an Omnichannel World
3 min read

The official website for the international Design for Experience awards is up and running!

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Design for Experience Awards Site is Live
1 min read

We are thrilled to present the winners of the inaugural international Design for Experience Awards!

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Announcing Winners in the International Design for Experience Awards
9 min read

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