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A look at ten recent innovations that have made the experience of using an automobile much more rewarding.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Top Ten Automotive UX Successes
7 min read

The user interfaces presented in science fiction can be a huge source of inspiration, but designing down is often required to make them an approximate reality.

Article by Dan Turner
Share:Designing Down from Science Fiction: A Staged Approach
9 min read

Photos have the power to make or break a users’ experience—make sure they are communicating your message properly.

Article by James Chudley
Share:Evaluating the Usability of Web Photos
7 min read

Where user experience in cars is concerned, there are distinct advantages and disadvantages to moving systems to the cloud.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:The Cloud is Hazy for Automotive UX
6 min read

Successful user experience efforts require more than just investment—they also need proper implementation.

Article by Hilary Little
Share:4 Reasons Your UX Investment Isn’t Paying Off
5 min read

Designers can earn the respect they crave by manifesting UX at every opportunity.

Article by Kim Bieler
Share:Stop Explaining UX and Start Doing UX
7 min read

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