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Giving users content tailored to their interests, needs, and location is the key to making the most of mobile technology.

Article by Alon Even
Share:Personalization: The Pillar of the Mobile User Experience
5 min read

A review of the the Paychex Flex iOS app shows areas where employee benefits and payroll companies can make great improvements in mobile experience design.

Article by Will Scott
Share:Payroll Apps Should Deliver More Than a Stub
4 min read

With recent innovations in efficiency, speed, accessibility, theory, strategy, and code, web design is still a vibrant part of experience design.

Article by Nick Dank
Share:Web Design is NOT Dead, You’re Just Talking About it Wrong
7 min read

We talk with Sergio Nouvel—co-founder of Continuum in Lima, Peru—author of our very popular and very controversial article, “Why Web Design is Dead.”

Article by Danny Bluestone
Share:In Conversation with Sergio Nouvel
1 min read

Offering multiple channels for users to interact with your business isn’t enough. You need to put them at the center of a seamless omni-channel ecosystem.

Article by Danny Bluestone
Share:5 Elements of Omni-Channel User Experiences
6 min read

Design for Experience award-winner Hackaball bridges digital and physical experiences while teaching kids programming basics.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:What Happens When Kids Can Hack Physical Play?
3 min read

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