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User Acceptance Testing

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Usability testing becomes more effective when you combine quantitative data with eye tracking results that have been cross-referenced using qualitative research

Article by Alexis Conomos, James Breeze
Share:Quantitative Research and Eye-Tracking: A match made in UX heaven
7 min read

If you want to create a Page Description Diagram that reflects the needs of your stakeholders, consider inviting them to a Page Description Workshop.

Article by Andrew Wirtanen, Colin Butler
Share:Hosting a Page Description Workshop
7 min read

The user interfaces presented in science fiction can be a huge source of inspiration, but designing down is often required to make them an approximate reality.

Article by Dan Turner
Share:Designing Down from Science Fiction: A Staged Approach
9 min read

Designing with input from users is especially valuable when creating complex and critical products for patients and their doctors.

Article by Andrii Glushko
Share:Participatory Design in Healthcare: Patients and doctors can bridge critical information gaps
6 min read

Designing for visceral reactions in your users can create experiences that deliver emotional satisfaction and drive habitual use.

Article by Chuck Longanecker, Morgan Brown
Share:How to Design for the Gut
6 min read

A study of North American consumers shows that users are comfortable sharing their personal information when they know exactly how it will be used and shared, and are given control over when they are releasing it.

Article by Ilana Westerman
Share:Control and Transparency
7 min read

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