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A look back at CES 2015 reveals a more connected future filled with bold possibilities and potential pitfalls.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Are We the “Things” in the Internet of Things?
4 min read

Prototypes are powerful tools for explaining design decisions to clients and can communicate ideas more effectively that documentation.

Article by Ian Schoen
Share:How Prototyping is Replacing Documentation
3 min read

An adapted excerpt form “Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products” explores strategies for designing technology users will find addictive.

Article by Nir Eyal
Share:How to Manufacture Desire
7 min read

Using “appticipation” and location-based data to reimagine The Home Depot’s mobile shopping experience.

Article by Mike Schneider, Skyhook Wireless
Share:Designing for Place at The Home Depot
5 min read

How MailChimp, Photojojo, and GrubHub use interactions that elicit joy, inspiration, and enlightenment to reward users on an emotional level.

Article by Husam Machlovi
Share:Increasing User Engagement with Rewarding Interactions
6 min read

You can get free book from Rosenfeld Media when recommend someone for a Design for Experience award.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Get a Free Book from Rosenfeld Media and the Design for Experience Awards
2 min read

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