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A review of the the Paychex Flex iOS app shows areas where employee benefits and payroll companies can make great improvements in mobile experience design.

Article by Will Scott
Share:Payroll Apps Should Deliver More Than a Stub
4 min read

Offering multiple channels for users to interact with your business isn’t enough. You need to put them at the center of a seamless omni-channel ecosystem.

Article by Danny Bluestone
Share:5 Elements of Omni-Channel User Experiences
6 min read

Want to give users an on-demand service they keep coming back to? Make sure to know your product, educate your users, and build trust.

Article by Jared Lewandowski
Share:Turning On-Demand Services into Products Users Want
4 min read

Dear ATM machine, if I can only take out money in $20 increments, why are you presenting me with 1,3,5,7 and 9 buttons?

Article by Daniel Brown
Share:ATM Interfaces, Multiples of 20, and Too Many Buttons #wtfUX
1 min read

We talk with information architect Alberta Soranzo about mountains of data, mixtapes, and the digital legacy you leave behind.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:In Conversation with Alberta Soranzo
1 min read

Adapting to user feedback in a timely and effective manner can be difficult, so product managers need a framework to process and analyze user engagement.

Article by Max Rosenbaum, Steven Cohn
Share:Take Insights in Stride: Using iterative experiments in product development
5 min read

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