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Social Networking

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LinkedIn is on a clear mission to make professionals more successful by connecting the global workforce and as we learned — diversity and success go hand in hand.

Article by Julia Kornmann
Share:Mentorship Match — How a simple LinkedIn feature can boost diversity
5 min read

Our interactions provide personalization algorithms with data, which in turn, provide us with tailored content.

Article by Kashish Masood
Share:How filter bubbles confirm our biases and what we can do about it
4 min read

The lead designer from Looksery—Snapchat’s recent acquisition—explains how user testing led to the creation of an app people can’t get enough of.

Article by Jordan Crone
Share:User Testing as a Design Driver
6 min read

In an age when we’ve got more content than we know what to do with and we can access it whenever we want to, what makes the television experience relevant?

Article by Dallas Sargent
Share:Questioning the Television Experience in the Age of Snapchat
3 min read

A review of Fitbit Flex—the popular piece of wearable technology that tracks your physical activity—finds the useful device hamstrung by a few design flaws.

Article by Jason Ogle
Share:A Few Fits about the Flawed UX of Fitbit Flex
10 min read

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