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Product design

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Objectivity is key in the user testing phase of product development, and these six rules will keep your prototype ringing true.

Article by Gina McDuffie
Share:6 Rules for Staying Objective in the Testing Phase
5 min read

The creation of an online marketplace for single-origin coffee leads to some realizations about the connections between design thinking and innovation.

Article by Tyler Tate
Share:Designers as Innovators, and a Story About Coffee
6 min read

Banks need to develop new products, services, and channels to survive in our rapidly evolving technological landscape—here are nine things they can do to reach that goal.

Article by Alexander Rauser
Share:9 Ways to Revolutionize Experiences in Financial Services
9 min read

A look at the mysterious world of UX Magic in the form of a screenplay depicting a meeting between a desperate product team and a mysterious figure.

Article by Jim McCool
Share:Magical Design Thinking with UX Presto
4 min read

How a design team brought the Boston School District into the 21st century (and won a Design for Experience award) by focusing on parents as users.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Transforming the Public Sector, One Experience at a Time
3 min read

UXM contributor Thomas Wendt explains the inspiration behind his new book, Design for Dasein: Understanding the Design of Experiences.

Article by Thomas Wendt
Share:Coming to Terms with Intangible Design
8 min read

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