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An excerpt from the new O’Reilly book, Information Architecture, 4th Edition, explores how information architecture infuses products with meaning and a sense of place.

Article by Lou Rosenfeld, Jorge Arango, Peter Morville
Share:Information Architecture: Design for Understanding
9 min read

Thinking about essential issues in content design and adhering to a style guide helps ensure your content is both correct and consistent.

Article by Time Barrow
Share:Sweat the Small Stuff
7 min read

Taking user emotion into account makes your writing more nuanced and empathetic–and the user experience admirably human.

Article by Brian Dunn
Share:Don’t Take That Tone With Me
6 min read

By agreeing on a common design taxonomy, practitioners can communicate their ideas more clearly and make certain their work adheres to recognized standards.

Article by James Wondrack
Share:A Common Design Taxonomy
6 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Bottom Line Impact

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Bottom Line Impact
2 min read

An in-depth look at the field of user experience shows that despite some truly explosive growth, we’ve still got some maturing to do.

Article by Jonathan Anderson | UX Magazine, Didus
Share:Who Are We and What Are We Doing?
6 min read

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