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New and Emerging Technologies

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Generative AI is making headlines, in the literal sense.

Article by Julia Anderson
5 Reasons to Embrace the Generative AI Hype
  • While some fear generative AI and see it as competition to human effort, it can be used as a collaboration tool.
  • The author describes five ways to adopt generative AI to benefit from it:
    • Use it as a tool for rapid ideation and, therefore, inspiration for creating.
    • Facilitate knowledge management that allows humans to test limitless possibilities AI generates.
    • Personalise experience for customers for building relationships with them.
    • Unload from routine tasks – making time for more sophisticated tasks.
    • Practice collective intelligence – generative Ai is being trained on millions of interactions with people making it a powerful “copilot” in various activities.
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5 min read

What will the AI future look like – bright and easily manageable or dark and full of risks? Discover the various perspectives of the European Chatbot & Conversational AI summit speakers.

Article by Anna Gregorczyk
Does Conversational AI Do Magic?
  • The author shares insights on the risks, and opportunities of AI technologies as well as success stories and lessons learned from the second edition of the European Chatbot & Conversational AI summit.
  • The golden thread leading the summary is the future of AI implementation shown through the prism of various experts in the field.
  • The speakers talk about different industries that will be hugely influenced by AI technologies – medicine, business, insurance, personal assistance services, and more.
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4 min read

UX designer Asbjørn Mejlvang shows how to use Dall-E, an AI system that generates realistic visuals from a description given, to reach your design goals.

Article by Asbjørn Mejlvang
AI as an ideation tool: Dall-E outdoor baby carriage
  • The author gives a brief example of how to use Dall-E, an AI system that can produce art and realistic visuals from a description given in plain language, as a tool in the brainstorming process.
  • According to the author, the process of AI ideation is as simple as that:
    • Write a sentence.
    • Go through generated visuals.
    • Choose a direction to get the most accurate realization of your idea.
    • Receive generated variations from the selected output.
  • Traditional ideation process versus AI ideation process – the article covers how to combine them to get the best result in the most efficient way.
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2 min read
AI as an ideation tool

How to improve customer experience by mapping the current state of the business and adopting a growth mindset.

Article by Jonathon Hensley
Current State vs. Future State: Innovating your Customer Experience and Increasing Productivity
  • The challenges caused by the pandemic force businesses to rethink their customer experience and invest in strategic planning.
  • To start, it’s necessary to analyze the current state, identify weaknesses, and focus on inclusive knowledge management to find opportunities to improve the organization.
  • Some of the most common inefficiency problems include non-utilized talent and extra processing.
  • Improve customer experience and productivity by looking for cumulative, connected or capacity insights.
Read the full article to learn more about innovating customer experience and why its necessary.
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7 min read

Five questions to answer when building your omni-channel customer experience.

Article by Jeff Steen
Share:Are You Ready to Give Your Customers an Omni-Channel Experience?
6 min read

As it stands today, consumption of content is at an all-time high, and it’s on its way upwards.

Article by Kriti Krishan
Share:Bingewatch Culture: Netflix, UX and the slow demise of moderation
7 min read

Did you know UX Magazine hosts the most popular podcast about conversational AI?

Listen to Invisible Machines

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