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New and Emerging Technologies

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A review of the features and UI elements of the Motorola Moto X and the Nokia Lumia 1020, which give an Apple enthusiast pause for consideration.

Article by Carrie Spates, Matthew Fiore
Share:Branching Out from the Apple Tree: An iOS loyalist considers mobile alternatives
7 min read

Coin, a smart credit card that promises to eliminate wallet-bulge, is an idea so smart it might help itself become obsolete.

Article by Elias Parker
Share:Coin Builds a Bridge, Can it Cross the Divide?
3 min read

A learning initiative between Harvard and MIT, edX is creating an open-source learning platform with Google that’s poised to change the experience of higher learning.

Article by Livia Veneziano
Share:In Search of Knowledge: MOOC.org Will Change the Experience of Learning
5 min read

Keeping the user at the center of developer-led projects requires empowering your team to think like the user.

Article by Tracy Brown
Share:Five Principles for Accommodating User Needs In Developer-Led Projects
7 min read

Companies that are eager to create superior customer experiences must repair, elevate, optimize, and differentiate their CX programs and initiatives.

Article by Megan Burns
Share:Four Steps to Customer Experience Maturity
4 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Experience for Children

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Experience for Children
2 min read

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