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New and Emerging Technologies

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The decision of whether to make your mobile application native or web-based must be weighed against some important considerations.

Article by Michael Montecuollo
Share:Native or Web-Based? Selecting the Right Approach for Your Mobile App
5 min read

Rethinking three common design elements that can created bloated page load times.

Article by Tammy Everts
Share:When Design Best Practices Become Performance Worst Practices
9 min read

Andy Polaine, Laura Weiss, and Marc Rettig weigh in on Google’s recent acquisition of Nest for $3.2 billion in cash.

Article by Mary Jean Babic
Share:QuickPanel: Google Buys Nest
7 min read

It’s a big world you’re sending content out into. Some upfront strategizing can give it the edge necessary to thrive.

Article by Nick Switzer
Share:Off-Site UX: Making Content Distribution Work for You
7 min read

Where open source software and brain-computer interfaces intersect, there are opportunities to revolutionize interaction design.

Article by Hunter Whitney
Share:Brain-Computer Interfaces: Interactions at the Speed of Thought
3 min read

A survey of eight design elements that are going away or gone points the way to a smoother and more unified canvas for experience designers to work on.

Article by John McKinney
Share:Goodbye to 8 Design Elements Whose Time has Come
6 min read

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