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The secrets behind the world’s obsession. Learn what psychology and behavioral science principles make Worlde so addictive.


Article by Jennifer Clinehens
The Fascinating Psychology Tricks That Make WORDLE So Addictive
  • There are certain things that make WORDLE so addictive:
    • Wordle uses Scarcity to stand out.
    • When you share a Wordle, people notice.
    • Sharing Wordle makes sharing your results across social media incredibly easy.
  • How Wordle creates a habit — the “Habit Loop” describes the basic structure behind every habit:
    1. The trigger
    2. The routine
    3. The reward
  • Wordle would have never become as popular as it is without psychology and behavioral science principles at work in the game.
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4 min read
The Fascinating Psychology Tricks That Make WORDLE So Addictive

Simple is exponentially harder than complex, namely because there’s a psychological chasm that most teams cannot surpass… or perhaps they have not been setup to succeed.

Article by Joe Smiley
5 Reasons Why Designing Simple Experiences is Psychologically Impossible
  • Designing simple and seamless experiences is exponentially harder than designing complex solutions
  • Simple solutions require an extraordinary amount of time, money, and skill
  • Other obstacles to simple design include complexity bias, loss aversion, unpredicted behavior, and fear of risks
Read the full article to learn more about the psychology behind designing a simple experience.
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5 min read

We will discuss 5 cognitive psychology theories that can contribute to UX design quality and help you create the experience you want your customers to have.

Article by Dorian Martin
Share:5 Cognitive Psychology Theories that Contribute to the Quality of UX Design
7 min read

You design not a product, you design interaction with the user — the psychology for UX design

Article by Olga Boichuk
Share:The Nine Principles of UX Design Psychology: Can You Predict the Behavior of Your Users?
12 min read
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Biases often creep into our design decisions. We should avoid such biases and understand the importance of staying neutral while evaluating everyone’s opinion.

Article by Abhishek Umrao
Share:6 Ways Psychology Affects Your Design Work
8 min read

Customers can’t buy from a brand they don’t notice

Article by Jennifer Clinehens
Share:Salience: The psychology of an experience you can’t ignore
5 min read

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