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Motion and Animation

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Everything you need to know about what makes a button great.

Article by Domas Markevicius
Designing the Perfect Button
  • Buttons are one of the main UI elements in interactive design and most businesses measure their success by button clicks.
  • The author covers the principles for a good button design at Wix:
    • Making a button clear
    • Making a button findable
    • Making a button identifiable
    • Maintaining clear, predictable and simple text
    • Using single icon buttons with caution
    • Minding hierarchy and emphasis
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7 min read

The following manifesto represents my answer to the question — “As a UX or UI, designer, how do I know when and where to implement motion to support usability?”

Article by Issara Willenskomer
Creating Usability with Motion: The UX in Motion Manifesto
  • After over fifteen years of studying motion in user interfaces, the author believes that there are 12 specific opportunities to support usability in UX projects using motion.
  • UI Animation is to the ‘12 UX in Motion Principles’ as construction is to architecture.
  • The author unpacks the following 5 ideas that help you understand when and where to implement motion to support usability:
    1. Addressing the topic of UI Animation — it’s not what you think.
    2. Realtime vs non-realtime interactions.
    3. Four ways that motion supports usability (expectation, continuity, narrative, and relationship).
    4. Principles, Techniques, Properties, and Values.
    5. The 12 Principles of UX in Motion (easing, offset&delay, parenting, transformation, value change, masking, overlay, cloning, obscuration, parallax, dimensionality and dolly & zoom).
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19 min read
Creating Usability with Motion: The UX in Motion Manifesto

Motion design has secured itself a predominant position across all industries. What lies behind the ever-increasing demand for animation?

Article by Micah Bowers
The Widening Impact of the Motion Design Industry
  • Motion design has come a long way in establishing itself as an essential industry that meets business and people’s interest in engaging elements and greater interaction with products.
  • Because of its problem-solving nature, it’s employed not only in UX design and brand communications, but also in such fields as agriculture, health care, and consultancies.
  • Leveraging motion design helps to enhance brand and product design as it creates more engagement and provides greater experiences.
  • As motion design specialists have a deep understanding of the different design fields and visual communication, the demand for them is constantly increasing.
Share:The Widening Impact of the Motion Design Industry
4 min read

Used in the right context and settings, animations can add meaning to a user interface and offer immersive interactivity as well.

Article by Preston Pierce
Share:UI Animation – An Ideal Tool for Immersive UX
5 min read

Prototyping facilitates rapid iteration and fail-fast (and learn-fast) experimentation, and helps the whole product team push technical limits.

Article by Heather Daggett
Share:Hi-Fi Prototyping
6 min read

The lead designer from Looksery—Snapchat’s recent acquisition—explains how user testing led to the creation of an app people can’t get enough of.

Article by Jordan Crone
Share:User Testing as a Design Driver
6 min read

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