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Enterprise Products

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Designing rewarding experiences for enterprise users means observing and learning from people who are extremely distributed and specialized.

Article by Steve Portigal
Share:QuickPanel: Insight at Scale
6 min read

We’re developing a special coffee for winners of the Design for Experience awards

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Taste Victory with Design for Experience Private Roast Coffee
1 min read

You can get free book from Rosenfeld Media by recommending someone for a Design for Experience award.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Help Us Find Examples of Great UX … Get a Free Book
1 min read

The power has shifted to consumers and, in 2015, companies will need to be focused and flexible in order to create experiences that succeed.

Article by Saul Gurdus
Share:3 Things that Will Change Experience Design in 2015
4 min read

Users are accustomed to great experience design in consumer apps, and you can up productivity and improve bottom lines by giving them similar experiences at work.

Article by Nathan Graves
Share:Let’s Bridge the Gap Between Enterprise And Consumer Apps
3 min read

Design for Experience award winner Lookback proves that giving UX practitioners rewarding experiences can be a recipe for success.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Designers Should Give Themselves Better Experiences
4 min read

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