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Artificial Intelligence

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Digital Transformation can seem daunting. How about a simple starting point? Do you want to improve the service you deliver without increasing staff?

Article by Lisa Palmer
Share:Conversational AI: Talking Our Way to Digital Transformation
13 min read

Conversational Design has become the industry standard for VUI. By crafting “Product Personas”, we can create a unified and engaging voice for our product.

Article by Toby Trachtman
Share:Your Design is Great, But Who Am I Talking to?
7 min read

Wherein a broken coffee grinder provides lessons in empathy.

Share:A Case of Accidental Anthropomorphism
3 min read

Human advancement has been driven by the improvement of tools, machines and innovation that enlarge our regular abilities.

Article by Priya Dialani
Share:Empathy In Artificial Intelligence: An Important Transition Of Human Evolution
5 min read
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Conversations are bound to psychology. Here are 7 principles for getting started with conversational desgin.

Article by Linus Ekenstam
Share:7 Principles of Conversational Design
8 min read

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