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Agile and Iterative Process

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Just what are the differences between user stories and use cases? Don’t they have the same goals? But, user stories and use cases are not quite the same.

Article by Patrick Joseph Downs, Justinmind
Share:User stories vs use cases: how they stack up
10 min read

We talk with UserZoom CEO Alfonso de la Nuez about the importance of user testing, how to recruit panelists, and why research is an inspiration.

Article by Gigi Peccolo
Share:In Conversation with Alfonso de la Nuez
6 min read

Prototyping facilitates rapid iteration and fail-fast (and learn-fast) experimentation, and helps the whole product team push technical limits.

Article by Heather Daggett
Share:Hi-Fi Prototyping
6 min read

You don’t need a big budget to bring experience design into your project, you just need to be more resourceful.

Article by Joseph Dickerson
Share:How to Do Quality UX On a Shoestring Budget
5 min read

If you really stop and think about it, working with prototypes is a lot like distilling spirits, passing through puberty, and leaving small doors ajar.

Article by Matt Yurdana
Share:Three Metaphors for Prototyping
6 min read

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