Lean Knowledge Management
Roger Forsgren
NASA’s Former Chief Knowledge Officer
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Season 3 Episode 14
As the former Chief Knowledge Officer at NASA, Roger Forsgren has a unique understanding of maintaining the administration’s renowned gold standard of data management in extremely high pressure environments. Having worked his way up from a mechanical engineering position with the space administration, Roger joins Robb and guest host Mike Lee for a conversation about the unique rhythms of data organization, retrieval, and maintenance. Exploring ideas from his book “Lean Knowledge Management: How NASA Implemented a Practical KM Program” this is an episode for information science enthusiasts everywhere.
About the guest
Roger Forsgren started his career as a mechanic apprentice at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio and, after ten years of night school, he earned an undergraduate and then graduate degree in engineering. In 2005, Roger transferred to NASA Headquarters in Washington D.C. to manage agency training efforts and in 2013 was appointed the director of the Academy of Program/Project and Engineering Leadership (APPEL). In 2016 he was given the additional responsibility of serving as the NASA Chief Knowledge Officer until his retirement in 2021.
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