Similarities between tangible machines and invisible ones
Ben Armstrong
Executive Director and Research Scientist at MIT’s Industrial Performance Center
Julie Shah
MIT Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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Season 1 Episode 10
Robb and Josh welcome special guests Julie Shah and Ben Armstrong, authors of the recent HBR article “A Smarter Strategy for Using Robots.” Ben Armstrong is the executive director and a research scientist at MIT’s Industrial Performance Center. Julie Shah is the H.N. Slater Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT. Together, they co-lead the Work of the Future initiative. Their discussion covers the parallels and overlaps between the design and implementations of invisible machines and tangible ones.
About the guests
Ben Armstrong
Ben Armstrong is the Executive Director and a Research Scientist at MIT’s Industrial Performance Center, where he co-leads the Work of the Future initiative. His research focuses on the adaptation of workers, firms, and regions to technological change, with current projects including the impact of generative AI on jobs and a book on American manufacturing competitiveness.
Julie Shah
Julie Shah is the H.N. Slater Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at MIT and leads the Interactive Robotics Group at CSAIL. With a PhD in Autonomous Systems from MIT, Shah has pioneered methods for seamless human-robot teamwork in critical domains such as manufacturing, surgery, and space exploration.