Can Conversational AI Revive Our Declining Attention Spans?
Gloria Mark
PhD, Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine, and Author of “Attention Span: Find Focus, Fight Distraction”
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Season 3 Episode 5
For decades, Gloria Mark, PhD, has been studying technology use in real-world environments that she describes as “living laboratories.” Her book “Attention Span” looks for ways that we can live with and use technology while maintaining a healthy psychological balance. She joins Robb and Josh for a fascinating conversation about the ways AI might heal some of the damage done by technology and give us space to focus our attention on things that truly matter.
About the guest
Gloria Mark is Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine. She received her PhD from Columbia University in psychology and studies the impact of digital media on people’s lives. She takes a deep dive in examining multitasking, interruptions, and mood with the use of digital devices.
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