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Products like Google Chromecast are creating new pathways for user-friendly connections between televisions and Internet content.

Article by Jeroen Wijering
Share:The Future Of Web TV
5 min read

A closer look at the results in the Mobile Solution or Application category of the international Design for Experience awards, featuring the winner: we are experience.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Power of Service-Oriented Mobile Design
8 min read

A closer look at the history of mobile design and technology reveals common misconceptions that are making it difficult to move forward with clarity.

Article by Steven Hoober
Share:Nine Lies We Tell Ourselves About Mobile
11 min read

Being a successful mobile designer requires an evolved understanding of how people use their devices, a robust toolkit, and the flexibility to adapt to new technology.

Article by Sergio Nouvel
Share:What Does it Take to be a Mobile Designer Today?
9 min read

By adapting to automation trends, developers and designers will have no trouble staying relevant in the era of self-service design.

Article by Rameet Chawla
Share:The Self-Service Web Design Movement and its Implications for Web Designers
3 min read

Looking back over the rapidly changing landscape through 32 years of front-end-development.

Article by Mike Germaine, Katie O'Reilly
Share:A Walk Down Front-End Development Lane
6 min read

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