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Ubiquitous Computing

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Designing the best experiences across platforms means being responsive to the user, not the device.

Article by Emma Lindahl
Share:Let Users Drive Cross-Platform Design
3 min read

Results of the Cross-Platform Experience category of the Design for Experience awards show the road to truly ubiquitous computing.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Building Experiences that Transcend Platforms
3 min read

Standardization and better interface design hold the keys to the widespread adoption (and enjoyment) of smart TV technology.

Article by Navin Natoewal
Share:Paving the Road to Smart TV Innovation with Standardization
6 min read

The results of the Bridging Digital and Physical Experiences category of the Design for Experience awards shows how technology affects our perception of reality.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Bridging the Narrowing Gap between Digital and Physical Experiences
4 min read

You can get free book from Rosenfeld Media by recommending someone for a Design for Experience award.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Help Us Find Examples of Great UX … Get a Free Book
1 min read

How design students from the College for Creative Studies in Detroit worked closely with GM to create a driving experience focused on Millennials and safety.

Article by College for Creative Studies, Lillien Waller
Share:GM and MFA Students Work to Foolproof the Driving Experience for Millennials
4 min read

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