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Product Releases and Redesigns

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Striking the right balance between inspiration and innovation might be hard. Let’s explore how to effectively get inspiration from others without losing that magic spark, including some do’s and don’ts along the way.
Article by Peter Ramsey
Copying Designs Doesn’t Work, And Here’s Why
  • The author speculates on the right balance between drawing inspiration from existing designs and creating original work and provides some do’s and don’ts of implementing inspiration.
  • Copying another’s design may result in losing the key elements that make it work, making it difficult to replicate the original experience.
  • Designers can use inspiration as a starting point rather than a destination to fuel creativity.
Share:Copying Designs Doesn’t Work, And Here’s Why
6 min read
A case study on how Booking.com leveled up its UX through trial and error.
Article by Noa Barbiro
Introducing Voice Search Experience at Booking.com
  • The author demonstrates the showcase of introducing a voice search experience at one of the global online travel companies – Booking.com.
  • The article leads us through every stage of shipping a product using machine learning and a new UX and interaction:
    • A product discovery process for user requirements led to the initial step in creating conversational interaction and prioritizing MVP features.
    • After that, the team matched the list of software and algorithmic parts to either already-existing or yet-to-be-built capabilities.
    • The next step is to establish a taxonomy of relevant user journeys and intents (actions we should support and map to the appropriate app screens and inputs).
    • The design and initial interface for the app’s home screen were created as the final step to enable users to conduct any post-booking or search action using voice commands.
  • There is always room for improvement when introducing an innovative experience. Constant work in research and development is a key to a smoother and more individualized experience through a better understanding of intents.
Share:Introducing Voice Search Experience at Booking.com
7 min read
Introducing Voice Search Experience at Booking.com

How is it that some companies turned their innovation practices into a competitive advantage and others are chasing their tails in this unprecedented time?

Article by Konrad Jarociński
Share:The Next Innovator’s Dilemma. Innovating in the times of New Normal
4 min read

A conversation with Lyft Product Designer Kyo Kim

Article by David Hildebrand
Share:Behind the design: Building a seamless experience to request a ride for others
14 min read

All the winners have been chosen! Take a look.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Announcing Winners of the 2016 UX Magazine Awards!
6 min read

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