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Mobile Applications

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A closer look at results in the Experience for Children category of the international Design for Experience awards, featuring the winner: Night Zookeeper.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Giving Kids Digital Experiences They Can Really Use
6 min read

A conversation between Jesse James Garrett and Ken Jennings about the overlap between mapheads and designers serves as a preview for UX Week 2014.

Article by Adaptive Path
Share:Jesse James Garrett and Ken Jennings Talk Maps and Design
8 min read

A closer look at the results in the Interaction Design Innovation category of the international Design for Experience awards.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Interactions that Change the Way Customers Make Choices
4 min read

To offer a truly competitive customer experience companies need to rethink the relationships between customers, employees, partners, and their operating environment.

Article by Rick Parrish
Share:Transform Customer Experience By Rethinking Your Ecosystem
3 min read

Taking data with the richness of what Minority Report showed us and giving it the kind of approachable interface seen in Her.

Article by Tutti Taygerly
Share:Designing Big Data for Humans (with a Little Help from Hollywood)
4 min read

An idea for an app that delivers fresh lobster and crab to the Bay Area is realized at ProtoHack, a code-free prototyping hackathon.

Article by Russell Bongard
Share:Just a Prototype Away from Fame and Fortune
4 min read

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