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Interaction Design

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By adapting to automation trends, developers and designers will have no trouble staying relevant in the era of self-service design.

Article by Rameet Chawla
Share:The Self-Service Web Design Movement and its Implications for Web Designers
3 min read

There’s enough data out there to confirm that designing for mobile should be a priority, and the numbers can also help you find the right solutions for your project.

Article by Toby Biddle
Share:Navigating the Mobile Jungle
4 min read

A closer look at the results in the Interactive Component of an Advertising Campaign category of the international Design for Experience awards.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Winning Experience of Playing Video Games for Beer
5 min read

Users like to be able to quickly abort noisy videos and the like when they open them by accident.

Article by Tammy Guy
Share:Usability Tip: Make it Easy to Get out of Panic Mode
2 min read

An agile production shop that combines continuous design and data-driven design lets PBS provide accessible content across a growing number of platforms.

Article by Matt McManus
Share:Why PBS Uses Data to Drive Continuous Design
4 min read

A conversation with the UX team at Mercedes about in-dash apps, autonomous driving, and the rapidly changing world of automotive experience design.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Looking Ahead in Automotive UX with Mercedes
8 min read

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