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Interaction Design

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Adding features is easy when you design with scalability in mind. But is that really a good thing?

Article by Jonathan Courtney
Share:Want the Best User Experience? Make it Harder to Add Features
2 min read

Animated user interface elements can increase your product’s usability, define its personality, and make it more fun to use, but they come at a significant cost.

Article by Elias Parker
Share:Making a Case for Animations and Interactivity
3 min read

Five actionable insights from Debra Levin Gelman and the winners of our Design for Kids giveaway.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:What Can Experience Designers Learn from Kids?
4 min read

Wearable technology can’t reach its full potential until it provides valued services without being obtrusive and causing the users extraneous learning pains.

Article by Pallavi Sharma
Share:What Will It Take to Make Your Grandma’s Wearable?
6 min read

In the wake of a new implementation of brain-computer interface headgear, we asked three UX Magazine contributors about the trajectory of wearable technology.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Wear Are We?
5 min read

By running Spotify through a usability test, one avid user was able to find some relatively easy fixes that could make for a more intuitive and rewarding experience.

Article by Lin Wang
Share:I Love You, Spotify … Now Change
5 min read

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