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Input devices

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Being a successful mobile designer requires an evolved understanding of how people use their devices, a robust toolkit, and the flexibility to adapt to new technology.

Article by Sergio Nouvel
Share:What Does it Take to be a Mobile Designer Today?
9 min read

A conversation with the UX team at Mercedes about in-dash apps, autonomous driving, and the rapidly changing world of automotive experience design.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Looking Ahead in Automotive UX with Mercedes
8 min read

A closer look at the results in the Accessibility category of the international Design for Experience awards, featuring the winner: Tobii EyeMobile.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Tobii EyeMobile Takes Eye Tracking Technology to New Heights
6 min read

An excerpt from the book A Web for Everyone, by Sarah Horton and Whitney Quesenbery, introduces a set of personas that can inform accessibility in design.

Article by Sarah Horton, Whitney Quesenbery
Share:Book Excerpt: A Web for Everyone
13 min read

The official website for the international Design for Experience awards is up and running!

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Design for Experience Awards Site is Live
1 min read

We are thrilled to present the winners of the inaugural international Design for Experience Awards!

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Announcing Winners in the International Design for Experience Awards
9 min read

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