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Design Tools and Software

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How to build innovative and satisfying mobile experiences by cherry-picking Apple’s interface guidelines.

Article by Ryan Bell
Share:Gettin’ HIGgy With It
8 min read

Creating content in a “workshop” environment inspires the creativity that result-oriented interfaces stifle.

Article by Anastasios Karafillis
Share:When Creativity Applications Hamper Creativity
7 min read

Impressed with its development opportunities and unique UI, Macadamian chose to devote a quarter of its workforce to the BlackBerry 10 OS.

Article by Meaghan Reinecke, Scott Plewes
Share:Banking on BlackBerry 10
6 min read

User acceptance testing for mobile poses an array of challenges—here are some hard-won lessons on doing it right.

Article by Tania Lang
Share:Eight Lessons in Mobile Usability Testing
9 min read

How the traits of persuasive technology can make learning Ruby more engaging for students.

Article by Anu Ramaswamy, Aakash Dharmadhikari
Share:Learning Programming by Persuasion
6 min read

Photos have the power to make or break a users’ experience—make sure they are communicating your message properly.

Article by James Chudley
Share:Evaluating the Usability of Web Photos
7 min read

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