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Design Tools and Software

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Side menu navigation in iOS7 needs to take zooming and overlays into account, creating a new challenge for designers.

Article by Elias Parker
Share:Adapting UI to iOS 7: The Side Menu
5 min read

Using statistical data wisely, like the characters in the baseball movie Moneyball, UX teams can leverage strikes one and two to get on base.

Article by Steve Tengler
Share:Moneyball 2: How to Sweep the UX World Series
7 min read

Excellent products that serve client goals and meet user needs depend on the collaboration of product management, product design, and software development.

Article by
Share:Blurred Lines: Integrating development, management, and design to deliver great products
4 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Consumer Product

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Consumer Product
2 min read

With the proliferation of new mobile devices and operating systems, each with specific requirements, an adaptive design strategy creates products that adapt over time.

Article by David Sachs
Share:Using Adaptive Design in the Quest for Future-Proof Designs
6 min read

As mobile continues to dominate experience design discussions, it’s time to dispel some common misconceptions about its use and stature.

Article by Linda Matthews
Share:Six Mobile Myths
11 min read

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