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In the same way that users need considerate and responsive feedback from digital experiences, employees need it from their organizations.

Article by Astrid Chow
Share:Practicing What We Preach
8 min read

By improving user experience, brand loyalty programs can start living up to their business potential.

Article by Liang Zhang, Maya Jackson
Share:Five UX Changes for Fixing Loyalty Programs
5 min read

To design a product that fits into the story of users’ lives, try looking at them as characters through the lens of a screenwriter.

Article by Sarah Doody
Share:A Matter of Character: Knowing your users and their stories
7 min read

There are some simple things you can do to make sure your designs stay simple and user-centric.

Article by Jared Lewandowski
Share:Refining Simplicity
5 min read

Paying close attention to the visual path your website creates will reveal opportunities for reaching peak usability.

Article by Tammy Guy
Share:Visual Balance and Weight Allocation for Usability
6 min read

User-centered designers and researchers now have the tools and techniques to deliver more personalized (and valuable) experiences than ever before.

Article by Matthew Fiore
Share:Creating Savvy and Sophisticated User Experiences through Personalization
5 min read

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