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Content and Copy

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A look at the trends that ruled the expanding UX landscape in 2013.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:The Top UX Trends of 2013
14 min read

The digital advent calendar for the experience design and research community is back with UXmas 2013.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:UXmas 2013: New design, new faces, same festive goodness
2 min read

The technical problems with Healthcare.gov have been widely discussed, but there are usability issues to consider as well.

Article by Alok Jain
Share:DOA? Diagnosing the UX Flaws of Obamacare
6 min read

An excerpt from The Digital Crown explains the goal of effective content: users immediately recognize it, know it is for them, know what to do, and do it.

Article by Ahava Leibtag
Share:Book Excerpt: The Digital Crown
3 min read

Effective writing for UX projects often requires copy that guides users discretely and then disappears into the background—here are five guidelines to get you there.

Article by Ben Barone-Nugent
Share:Five Principles of Writing for Users
4 min read

The results page is a crucial piece of the search experience, and presents an opportunity to meet users’ information needs and engage a dialogue that guides them.

Article by Tony Russell-Rose
Share:Designing Search: Results Pages
12 min read

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