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Article by Andrea Pacheco
What I Learned as a Product Designer at Apple
  • In this article, the author reflects on their experience as a product designer at Apple and shares valuable lessons they learned in areas such as effective communication, storytelling, trusting instincts, and embracing simplicity, among others.
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8 min read

If you’re a fan of cartoons, you’ve probably seen that moment when the main character has a great idea, and a lightbulb turns on in their brain. Or maybe a genius plan falls into place. Well, “aha moments” aren’t just for cartoon characters. Businesses need them too.

Article by Adam Fard
Manufacturing “Aha Moments” For Your Users
  • An “aha moment” is the moment your users realize the value your product provides. The author suggests that finding the “aha moment” for your product starts with user interviews and usability testing to understand your users’ habits, priorities, and wants.
  • According to the author, to facilitate the “aha moment” for your users, you should focus on:
    • Onboarding;
    • Personalization;
    • Removing barriers or bottlenecks in the user experience.
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7 min read

How adapting our products to different locations led to better business results and happier users.

Article by Rotem Maor
The Power of Localization in User Experience
  • In the article, the author describes how Wix, with over 238 million users, focuses on providing a localized experience for their non-English-speaking users.
  • Good localization builds trust with users, which benefits the business in the long run. The article demonstrates how Wix adapts to Japanese, French, Brazilian, and other cultures.
  • The author gives advice on how to promote localization in your own company:
    • Raise awareness of its importance and value.
    • Consider factors such as language, cultural sensitivity, currency, date formats, gender, and local etiquette.
    • Attribute resources to localization and involve them in the design process early on.
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5 min read
A case study on how Booking.com leveled up its UX through trial and error.
Article by Noa Barbiro
Introducing Voice Search Experience at Booking.com
  • The author demonstrates the showcase of introducing a voice search experience at one of the global online travel companies – Booking.com.
  • The article leads us through every stage of shipping a product using machine learning and a new UX and interaction:
    • A product discovery process for user requirements led to the initial step in creating conversational interaction and prioritizing MVP features.
    • After that, the team matched the list of software and algorithmic parts to either already-existing or yet-to-be-built capabilities.
    • The next step is to establish a taxonomy of relevant user journeys and intents (actions we should support and map to the appropriate app screens and inputs).
    • The design and initial interface for the app’s home screen were created as the final step to enable users to conduct any post-booking or search action using voice commands.
  • There is always room for improvement when introducing an innovative experience. Constant work in research and development is a key to a smoother and more individualized experience through a better understanding of intents.
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7 min read
Introducing Voice Search Experience at Booking.com

A deep dive into the map apps rivalry.

Article by Peter Ramsey
Apple Maps vs Google Maps
  • Apple and Google have battled for control of the map applications market for almost ten years. The article provides an illustration of the advantages and disadvantages of each app.
  • The success of Google Maps can be explained by the following aspects:
    • The breadth of data.
    • Better сontextualization of data.
    • Reliability partners for sourcing data.
    • Accuracy of routes and shortcuts for pedestrians.
  • Nevertheless, Apple has some strong features, especially when it comes to handling stressful situations (e.g. calming and very human narration, detailed parking location information).
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7 min read
Apple Maps vs Google Maps

UX designer Asbjørn Mejlvang shows how to use Dall-E, an AI system that generates realistic visuals from a description given, to reach your design goals.

Article by Asbjørn Mejlvang
AI as an ideation tool: Dall-E outdoor baby carriage
  • The author gives a brief example of how to use Dall-E, an AI system that can produce art and realistic visuals from a description given in plain language, as a tool in the brainstorming process.
  • According to the author, the process of AI ideation is as simple as that:
    • Write a sentence.
    • Go through generated visuals.
    • Choose a direction to get the most accurate realization of your idea.
    • Receive generated variations from the selected output.
  • Traditional ideation process versus AI ideation process – the article covers how to combine them to get the best result in the most efficient way.
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2 min read
AI as an ideation tool

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