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What will the AI future look like – bright and easily manageable or dark and full of risks? Discover the various perspectives of the European Chatbot & Conversational AI summit speakers.

Article by Anna Gregorczyk
Does Conversational AI Do Magic?
  • The author shares insights on the risks, and opportunities of AI technologies as well as success stories and lessons learned from the second edition of the European Chatbot & Conversational AI summit.
  • The golden thread leading the summary is the future of AI implementation shown through the prism of various experts in the field.
  • The speakers talk about different industries that will be hugely influenced by AI technologies – medicine, business, insurance, personal assistance services, and more.
Share:Does Conversational AI Do Magic?
4 min read

We talk with information architect Alberta Soranzo about mountains of data, mixtapes, and the digital legacy you leave behind.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:In Conversation with Alberta Soranzo
1 min read

A review of the ill-conceived Mobile World Congress event app shows how poor design can have a broad impact on attendee experience.

Article by Will Scott
Share:Event Apps: Think Tapas, not Smörgåsbord
3 min read

Jesse James Garrett, Margot Bloomstein, and Andy Polaine offer their visions for the future of UX.

Article by Mary Jean Babic
Share:Quickpanel: More UX Futures
5 min read

A conversation between Jesse James Garrett and Ken Jennings about the overlap between mapheads and designers serves as a preview for UX Week 2014.

Article by Adaptive Path
Share:Jesse James Garrett and Ken Jennings Talk Maps and Design
8 min read

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