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Every movie produced by Studio Ghibli has set new standards for storytelling and found audiences worldwide. Isn’t that THE dream for every Product Designer?!

Article by Shekhar Gurav
5 learnings every Product Designer should absolutely steal from Studio Ghibli movies

Synergistically incubate proactive human capital via client-focused intellectual capital. Professionally reintermediate performance based infomediaries after intuitive initiatives. Credibly supply dynamic architectures.

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4 min read
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The design work that has made so many of us fat and happy is about to change—exciting and challenging work ahead.

Article by Ara J. Berberian
Share:Saying Goodbye to the Great UX Design Bonanza of 2004-2016
5 min read

How Microsoft Kinect and an open-minded approach to natural user interface design turned a portfolio review into a memorable interactive event.

Article by Oleh Hasoshyn, Mike Chalyi
Share:Touch-Free Interactions as an Innovative Approach to Audience Engagement
8 min read

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