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Designing for visceral reactions in your users can create experiences that deliver emotional satisfaction and drive habitual use.

Article by Chuck Longanecker, Morgan Brown
Share:How to Design for the Gut
6 min read

As homepages continue to lose prominence as landing pages, designers should reconsider how and where they use a “home” button.

Article by Paul Brooks
Share:Are You Putting the Home Button to Good Use?
6 min read

Effective digital content is an honest and adaptive reflection of an organization’s human core.

Article by Kate Kiefer Lee
Share:Vulnerable Branding: Keeping your company’s voice honest
7 min read

How the traits of persuasive technology can make learning Ruby more engaging for students.

Article by Anu Ramaswamy, Aakash Dharmadhikari
Share:Learning Programming by Persuasion
6 min read

Designers are faced with alluring new challenges as users expect more sophisticated interactions with more persistant and pervasive screens.

Article by Ken Yarmosh
Share:Looking Into the Screens of the Future
5 min read

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