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Research Methods and Techniques

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Forrester’s West Coast Forum provided a fertile environment for learning about the importance and implementation of customer experience.

Article by Alison Lawrence, Didus
Share:On the Ground at Forrester’s West Coast Forum
6 min read

A pair of brain activity visualization projects illustrates concepts and themes that affect human behavior and the realm of experience design.

Article by Hunter Whitney
Share:Exploring the Brain Through Experience Design
9 min read

Experienced developers who have been in the game for more than a decade often find the subtleties of UX can be a bit of a mystery, but there are ways to get up to speed.

Article by Zahid Jiwa
Share:Is UX Your Achilles?
4 min read

A survey of mobile testing tools for unmoderated usability studies finds products and features that suit many different design needs.

Article by Amber DeRosa
Share:Mobile Testing Toolbox, Part 2
7 min read

A closer look at the Design for Experience awards category: Bringing Order to Big Data

Article by UX Magazine Staff, Design for Experience
Share:Design for Experience: Bringing Order to Big Data
2 min read

Embracing the messiness and complexity of the systems, users, and contexts we’re designing for can yield flexible future-proofed products.

Article by Steven Hoober
Share:Designing for Imperfection in Action
8 min read

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