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Keeping open lines of communication at every stage of product development will save time and lead to better experience design.

Article by Patricia Cranmer
Share:Communication: The Cure for Common UX Design Challenges
6 min read

Here they are! The winners of the 2014 international Design for Experience awards.

Article by UX Magazine Staff
Share:Announcing Winners in the 2014 Design for Experience Awards
10 min read

The difference between creating good experiences and amazing experiences often comes down to how thoughtful we can remain during the design process.

Article by Jake Lee Haugen
Share:Becoming a More Thoughtful User Experience Designer
8 min read

The keys to being a successful UX designer in an ad agency environment are creativity and flexibility.

Article by Ellen van den Berg
Share:How to Succeed as an Experience Designer in Advertising Agencies
4 min read

By identifying and sharing examples of bad UX, we can rid the world of poorly designed experiences.

Article by Josh Tyson
Share:Green Means Stop, Red Means Go? #wtfUX
1 min read

UX executives who bring real change and innovation to their organizations rely on many of the same techniques when working with their teams and stakeholders.

Article by Gayna Williams, Tracey Lovejoy
Share:4 Techniques of Successful UX Executives
9 min read

Did you know UX Magazine hosts the most popular podcast about conversational AI?

Listen to Invisible Machines

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