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Mobile Applications

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We’re surrounded by more data than ever, and as the mountains of information continue to grow, storytelling techniques can help designers make sense of it all.

Article by Dominic Quigley
Share:Five Steps to Storytelling with Data
4 min read

The rise of mobile technology has made traditional websites obsolete and the winning designs of the future will be immersive experiences with rich narratives.

Article by Chuck Longanecker
Share:The Future of Web Design is in Our Hands
7 min read

Leaving skeuomorphic design behind, iOS 7 offers a light and playful experience, perfectly in tune with the content it is designed to support.

Article by Riccardo Spina
Share:Review: iOS 7 Gives Us Insight Into the Future of Mobility
5 min read

While the complexity of modern systems can make designing for perfection a futile process, embracing the inherent messiness of digital design can forge better solutions.

Article by Steven Hoober
Share:An Introduction to Designing for Imperfection
10 min read

Companies of all sizes are paying closer attention to customer experience elements in their digital offerings—here are some ways to maximize the ROI.

Article by Adele Sage
Share:How to Get the Most from Digital Customer Experience Investments
3 min read

Learn more about UX strategy at UX STRAT 2013, September 9 through 11 at the Georgia Tech Learning Center in Atlanta.

Article by Paul Bryan
Share:UX STRAT 2013: A Conference For UX Leaders
6 min read

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