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Design Tools and Software

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When it comes to privacy issues, you need to build trust with users—here are seven actions that engender transparency and control.

Article by Ilana Westerman
Share:7 Actions that Earn User Trust
6 min read

The best UIs get out of the way and let the experience shine—clear design standards make such interface designs possible.

Article by Mike Maass
Share:Design Standards Let the Interface Disappear Behind the Experience
6 min read

Helping clients understand that UX is a holistic process, not a single action, can benefit everyone working on a project.

Article by Tim R. Todish
Share:UX Is Not A Verb
4 min read

If you want to create a Page Description Diagram that reflects the needs of your stakeholders, consider inviting them to a Page Description Workshop.

Article by Andrew Wirtanen, Colin Butler
Share:Hosting a Page Description Workshop
7 min read

The user interfaces presented in science fiction can be a huge source of inspiration, but designing down is often required to make them an approximate reality.

Article by Dan Turner
Share:Designing Down from Science Fiction: A Staged Approach
9 min read

Designing in the browser makes it easier to set realistic expectations with clients and creates working comps that are ready to test with users.

Article by Jared Rogers
Share:Building a Better User Experience by Designing in the Browser
7 min read

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