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Apple iOS

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Our everyday encounters with with good and bad experiences can be leveraged as part of an ongoing UX education.

Article by Alessandro Fard
Share:The UX University of Life
4 min read

When iOS stopped supporting Adobe Flash back in 2010, significant cross-platform audio and video rendering issues surfaced that remain with us today.

Article by Pete Mackie
Share:Many Forks in a New Road: The UX Hell of Cross-Platform Content Viewing
8 min read

Leaving skeuomorphic design behind, iOS 7 offers a light and playful experience, perfectly in tune with the content it is designed to support.

Article by Riccardo Spina
Share:Review: iOS 7 Gives Us Insight Into the Future of Mobility
5 min read

While the complexity of modern systems can make designing for perfection a futile process, embracing the inherent messiness of digital design can forge better solutions.

Article by Steven Hoober
Share:An Introduction to Designing for Imperfection
10 min read

How to build innovative and satisfying mobile experiences by cherry-picking Apple’s interface guidelines.

Article by Ryan Bell
Share:Gettin’ HIGgy With It
8 min read

Designing for the Baby Boom generation requires an understanding of their unique fears, capabilities, and desires.

Article by Suzie Mitchell
Share:Romancing the Boomer
6 min read

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