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What is the meaning of the introduction of the Vision Pro device and Vision OS? After a week of reflection, and reading about experiences, I like to do a take here.

Article by Iskander Smit
Vision Is Not About The Goggles; It Is About A New Way Of Looking
  • The article discusses the introduction of Apple’s Vision Pro and Vision OS, highlighting their significance in shaping a new relationship with technology through a synthetic layer that enhances vision.
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6 min read

A deep dive into the map apps rivalry.

Article by Peter Ramsey
Apple Maps vs Google Maps
  • Apple and Google have battled for control of the map applications market for almost ten years. The article provides an illustration of the advantages and disadvantages of each app.
  • The success of Google Maps can be explained by the following aspects:
    • The breadth of data.
    • Better сontextualization of data.
    • Reliability partners for sourcing data.
    • Accuracy of routes and shortcuts for pedestrians.
  • Nevertheless, Apple has some strong features, especially when it comes to handling stressful situations (e.g. calming and very human narration, detailed parking location information).
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7 min read
Apple Maps vs Google Maps

Mobile apps are undoubtedly the future—with conversational AI at the center of their development

Article by Jeff Steen
Share:Is Conversational AI the Future of Mobile Apps?
8 min read

Ryan Hunt’s article on how being able to relate to the way we use a new product helps us accepting it.

Article by Ryan Hunt
Share:Long Term Memory: Touchscreen Interaction
8 min read

By adding a host of updates to iOS 9, Apple is taking great strides in making its devices easier to use.

Article by Jaykishan Panchal
Share:5 UX Fundamentals of iOS 9
8 min read

Task-based testing provides an approach that allows companies to gather both quantitative and qualitative feedback from a target audience.

Article by Arthur Moan
Share:Understanding Your App
5 min read

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