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Rebekah Rousi

PhD Candidate | University of Jyväskylä

Rebekah Rousi is a researcher of user psychology and PhD candidate of Cognitive Science at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. With a background in visual arts and cultural studies, Rousi has brought a Humanities perspective to several projects of human-systems interaction and user psychology, these include: the ITEA2 Easy Interactions project, Theseus and Theseus II. In nature, Rousi’s work synthesises problems, challenges and innovations with scientific investigations, aiming at devising consistent methods for measuring factors such as user experience. In 2010, Rousi undertook a 3 month researcher exchange at the University of Adelaide, Australia. Rousi is particularly interested in the psychology of user experience, affective human-technology interactions and the mental factors of design encounters.

Looking through the Google Glass (so to speak) with the help of Descartes and Peirce, one can see a product with a name that appeals to all users’ low-tech experiences.

Article by Rebekah Rousi
Share:Google Glass and the Experience of Experience
6 min read

Replacing intuitive notions of emotion with systematic psychological knowledge.

Article by Antti Oulasvirta, Pertti Saariluoma, Rebekah Rousi, Jaana Leikas
Share:Old Wine in New Bottles and New Wine in Old Bottles
5 min read

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