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Matt Miller

Matt Miller currently resides in Bountiful, Utah with his wife and three children. He has over twelve years of experience in web design and development. He has an undergraduate degree and completed graduate coursework in Exercise Physiology from the University of Utah which led him to his first career as a Kinesiologist. Along the way he worked part-time in the IT world and developed his first web site using HTML 2.0 in 1996.

In 1998 he transitioned from software development as a secondary job responsibility to his full-time gig. Now he has over twelve years of enterprise web application design and development experience from his employment at Intermountain Healthcare and the LDS Church where he is currently employed as an interaction designer.

While his degree is atypical for a design career the academic and years of real-world research methodology and statistics experience has proven valuable in the design and creation of metrics and dashboards. In addition to having a passion for creating enterprise software for real people and developing metrics that actually mean something he enjoys photography, running, cycling, hiking and most outdoor activities that don’t involve freezing temperatures. As a personal project to keep his development skills up to date and fund his obsession with outdoor gear he has created GearCodes.com. Home remodeling projects fill any remaining time in his life and inspired his newest blog The Plywood Floor Experiment.

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