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Jared Lewandowski

Manager | JL Design Group

Jared Lewandowski began his career in the midwest in the late 90’s and now currently resides in the Bay Area. He’s worked on many successful medical and financial websites, improved various products, built many successful brands, and has presented on strategy, accessibility, and usability to large and small businesses around the United States. He currently manages a UX team at GoDaddy and runs his own design agency, JL Design Group.

Want to give users an on-demand service they keep coming back to? Make sure to know your product, educate your users, and build trust.

Article by Jared Lewandowski
Share:Turning On-Demand Services into Products Users Want
4 min read

Extending your passion for asking questions and seeking answers into relationships with your team members is an example-led way of evangelizing the power of UX.

Article by Christijan Draper, Jared Lewandowski
Share:UX as Design Leadership
6 min read

There are some simple things you can do to make sure your designs stay simple and user-centric.

Article by Jared Lewandowski
Share:Refining Simplicity
5 min read

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