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Guild Copeland

With oversight over Production, Guild takes joy in Sisu’s amazing variety of projects – from enterprise-level website development and mobile design to viral marketing and brand development. He brings his experience and inspiration to bear throughout the project process, leading brainstorms, driving information architecture and making sure that projects are delivered on time and on spec. He has forged long-standing relationships with a host of enviable clients, including Sony, Paramount, the Hallmark Channel, Nonesuch Records, MySpace, Hearst Digital Media, and more. Previous to Sisu, Guild served as Director of Production and Director of Advertising at KPE, a respected website development firm focused on media and entertainment. Whether delivering a campaign for the newest movie or the build of an e-commerce site, his work resulted in great returns and happy customers at Mandalay Bay, Warner Brothers, Variety, Hasbro, M&M Mars, Sprint and more. Guild began his career as a policy wonk, working first at the D.C. Office of Senator Dianne Feinstein, then at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He holds a B.A. from Yale. Visit Sisu: https://.sisumedia.com On LinkedIn: https://.linkedin.com/pub/guild-copeland/0/8b/b25

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